I found this today while searching Craigslist for writing jobs and immediately thought of you reviewers on here:
Newly launched startup product review site is looking for several good part-time writers to write reviews on consumer goods. You will be reviewing products (through our website) that you personally own or have had personal experience with. All reviews must be original and must not be copied from other sources.
Your main job is to post reviews, but you may (and should) also participate in socializing with the other reviewers on the site.
There will be some compensation -- the details will be sent to you after your application has been accepted.
To apply and for more information, please email the following:
- a current digital photo of yourself (we require all members to have real photos of themselves on our website)
- a little bit about yourself (who you are, how old you are, etc.)
- a sample review (100 words or more) of any consumer product you wish (this is to evaluate your writing skill)
Thanks for your time!
Telecommuting is ok.
This is a part-time job.
PostingID: 603253989 email address I think is:
I thought of it because of the telecommuting prospect that those folk in the UK could still possibly send in your reviews???