Another new site that has got of to a really good start, Using my referral link you get £10 and I also get £10.
Transactions track very quickly .
You also receive Monster Points for extra rewards, still to be confirmed.
5000 MP - Awarded when you make MBM your Home Page.
1000 MP - For signing up to a MoneyBackMadness account.
100 MP - Given for logging in.
50 MP - Awarded for writing a legitimate retailer review.
50 MP - For visiting a retailer
Payment is issued the first working day of each month and is either by Bacs, Cheque or Paypal, min pay threshold is £35 confirmed.
From what I'm reading it looks like it takes 30-60 days for transaction to change from 'Pending' to 'Confirmed'
My referral link is: